
If you would like to add more language translations the only thing you have to do is:

  1. Crate a new strings resource folder and file for your language like "/values-ru".
  2. Add all text translations for those strings:
<string name="leku_title_activity_location_picker">Location Picker</string>
<string name="leku_load_location_error">Something went wrong. Please try again.</string>
<string name="leku_no_search_results">There are no results for your search</string>
<string name="leku_unknown_location">unknown location</string>
<string name="leku_voice_search_promp">Search by voice…</string>
<string name="leku_voice_search_extra_language">en-EN</string>
<string name="leku_toolbar_action_voice_title">Voice</string>
<string name="leku_search_hint">Search</string>

Note that you have the voice_search_extra_language that is used for the language of the voice recognition. Replace it with the allowed voice recognition locale for your language.

We encourage you to add these languages to this component, please fork this project and submit new languages with a PR. Thanks!