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This library uses material components, so should use Theme.MaterialComponents or descendant in manifest.

<item name="colorPrimary">#E91E63</item>
<item name="colorPrimaryDark">#C51162</item>
<item name="colorAccent">#FBC02D</item>
<item name="colorControlActivated">#E91E63</item>

colorControlActivated is used to colorize Street title, if not set, it uses colorAccent by default

To customize map, use:


Theme creator here:


It's possible to hide or show some of the information shown after selecting a location. Using tha bundle parameter LocationPickerActivity.LAYOUTS_TO_HIDE you can change the visibility of the street, city or the zipcode.

intent.putExtra(LocationPickerActivity.LAYOUTS_TO_HIDE, "street|city|zipcode")
Legacy Layout

If you want to use the old Leku layout design you need to add this line to the builder:

val locationPickerIntent = LocationPickerActivity.Builder(context)
Search Zone

By default the search will be restricted to a zone determined by your default locale. If you want to force the search zone you can do it by adding this line with the locale preferred:

intent.putExtra(LocationPickerActivity.SEARCH_ZONE, "es_ES")
Search Zone Rect

If you want to force the search zone you can do it by adding this line with the lower left and upper right rect locations:

intent.putExtra(LocationPickerActivity.SEARCH_ZONE_RECT, SearchZoneRect(LatLng(26.525467, -18.910366), LatLng(43.906271, 5.394197)))
Default Search Zone Locale

If you want to be able to search with the default device locale, you can do it by adding this line:

intent.putExtra(LocationPickerActivity.SEARCH_ZONE_DEFAULT_LOCALE, true)

Note: If you don't specify any search zone it will not search using any default search zone. It will search on all around the world.

Force return location on back pressed

If you want to force that when the user clicks on back button it returns the location you can use this parameter (note: is only enabled if you don't provide a location):

intent.putExtra(LocationPickerActivity.BACK_PRESSED_RETURN_OK, true)
Enable/Disable the Satellite view

If you want to disable the satellite view button you can use this parameter (note: the satellite view is enabled by default):

intent.putExtra(LocationPickerActivity.ENABLE_SATELLITE_VIEW, false)
Enable/Disable requesting location permissions

If you want to disable asking for location permissions (and prevent any location requests)

intent.putExtra(LocationPickerActivity.ENABLE_LOCATION_PERMISSION_REQUEST, false)

Now you can hide the voice search option on the search view

intent.putExtra(LocationPickerActivity.ENABLE_VOICE_SEARCH, false)
Hide/Show "Unnamed Road" on Address view

Now you can hide or show the text returned by the google service with "Unnamed Road" when no road name available

intent.putExtra(LocationPickerActivity.UNNAMED_ROAD_VISIBILITY, false)